Dixie Hollins High School Class of 1978
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Dixie Hollins High School Class of 1978 - We Got Together
Pictures in Gallery: 36
Gotten together with some of your classmates recently? Post pictures of your get togethers for others to enjoy.

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Posted By: Janet Sullivan-Lowry
Views: 2672

The Reunion Committee thanks Lynn Hallam Gundry and her husband Rich for their hospitality.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2818

Kenny Houston and Debbie ( Eddie's wife) at same party
Posted By: Kenneth Houston
Views: 2870

Eddie and Debbie at party for Kenny
Posted By: Kenneth Houston
Views: 2828

Party that Eddie held for Kenny Houston on 12-7-07. Been best friends for 35 years
Posted By: Kenneth Houston
Views: 2734

Linda Chiaverini Meehan, Bobby Chel Seaborn, Janet Sullivan Lawry - October 27, 2007 at Linda Meehan's Cottage on the Jersey Shore
Posted By: Bobby (Chel) Seaborn
Views: 2778

Wow this is Great!
Posted By: G.Doutt
Views: 2837

Bev and Traci
Posted By: G.Doutt
Views: 2737

Double-mint Twins.  
Posted By: G.Doutt
Views: 2740

The moment we were all waiting for.  The vote for the reunion location.
Posted By: G. Doutt
Views: 2728

Class of 1978 Reunion Committee and guests, wish to thank our gracious hostess Janet Sullivan-Lowry for the fabulous meeting place.  Janet knows how to have a meeting and throw one hell of a p...
Posted By: G. Doutt
Views: 2930

The 1978 DHHS Reunion Committee met at Linda (Chiaverini) Meehan mother's home to start the ball rolling...
Posted By: Janet Sullivan-Lowry
Views: 3158

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