Dixie Hollins High School Class of 1978
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Dixie Hollins High School Class of 1978 - Looking Back
Pictures in Gallery: 44
Classmates are going up in their attics, dusting off their scrapbooks and sharing their favorite personal photos from yesteryear. Help document the candid parts of our class past by posting your old personal photos.

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KAPPA Rush Week 19??
Posted By: Janet Sullivan-Lowry
Views: 3918

Carol, Bev, Janet, Linda - Our Senior Trip for Graduation
Posted By: Janet Sullivan-Lowry
Views: 3922

Leslie Crisco and Mark Rhodes prom night.
Posted By: Mark Rhodes
Views: 4119

Our friend Beverly!  Isn't she lovely?!  
Posted By: Theresa (Hodges) Rickrode
Views: 3978

The one and only time we were allowed to twirl fire!
Posted By: Theresa (Hodges) Rickrode
Views: 4039

Not much has changed in the last 30 years with this one.  She  continues to be a clown.
Posted By: Theresa (Hodges) Rickrode
Views: 4045

Theresa Hodges, Beverly Worth and Mary Bernard.  The 1978 Senior Majorettes during halftime at a basketball game.
Posted By: Theresa (Hodges) Rickrode
Views: 3992

Your DHHS Majorettes!!
Posted By: Theresa (Hodges) Rickrode
Views: 3907

Mike Merada and David Nasworthy on graduation day.
Posted By: Carol Smith Merada
Views: 4086

Mike and I on graduation day.
Posted By: Carol Smith Merada
Views: 4119

Scott Langenthal and Mike Merada on graduation day.
Posted By: Carol Smith Merada
Views: 3999

DAve Bruneau & Grant Doutt.  Just about how the trip went.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3997

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