Dixie Hollins High School Class of 1978
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Dixie Hollins High School Class of 1978 - 10 Year Reunion
Pictures in Gallery: 20
Our 10 year reunion was held on July 29-31, 1988 at the Beautiful Don Cesar Beach Resort on St. Petersburg
Beach.  If you have any photo's from our 10 year event please feel free to click the add photo link and upload your photos on our web page.

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Reunion Dinner #1
Posted By: Linda Chiaverini
Views: 2709

Angela, Zoe and Puddles
Posted By: Linda Chiaverini
Views: 2695

Janet Sullivan & Claudia Whitehead
Posted By: Linda Chiaverini
Views: 2614

Three Amigos
Posted By: Linda Chiaverini
Views: 2713

Connie Woodworth & Husband
Posted By: Linda Chiaverini
Views: 2685

Clowning Around
Posted By: Linda Chiaverini
Views: 2659

Brian Calkins & Darlene Wilson
Posted By: Linda Chiaverini
Views: 2811

Laura Cohee
Posted By: Linda Chiaverini
Views: 2743

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